MetGL Leading Lights 2

Event Details

Introductory Remarks from Pieter Cox

There was a great response to last year’s Leading Lights initiative and several lodges have asked “what’s next?” The short answer is that we are going to hold a follow-up session in January. Those who took part in the last sessions will remember that we concluded our seminars with a request for each attendee to go back to their lodge and discuss its future, developing a plan for the oncoming years. The idea of Phase 2 is to explore the outcome of those discussions. We know that some Lodges have come up with changes that they have made (or are intending to make) to fit their Lodges to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. We want to provide a conduit to get those ‘good stories’ told to other Lodges, so they can see that changes do work. What we need to do now is to help each of our lodges to identify what is likely to work for them, by sharing ideas without re-inventing the wheel.

One such change is ‘Streamline’, which is a direct result of feedback collated from previous Workshops, which has already made a difference to the timing and smooth running of Meetings.